Danika, Patrick, Rob, and Austin have gathered in beautiful Los Angeles, California to drop hot takes and turn cold shoulders to the best and worst of E3. Today, they tackle the EA and Microsoft press conferences. Come for the excitement about exosuits & actually good zombie games, stay for the bad shoutcasting and milkshake ducks.
Today's the day that critics get to weigh in on the Nintendo Switch's biggest launch title, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Because we know that a lot of our listeners primarily get their Waypoint #content via this podcast, we decided to offer an audio version of Austin Walker's take on the game!
If you'd like to read along or share this with a friend, you can head to waypoint.vice.com and find the full story there. As always, interaction with you is a big part of this new podcast, so make sure to send any questions you have for us to gaming@vice.com with the header "Questions." (Without the quotes!) We can't guarantee we'll answer all of your questions, but rest assured, we'll be taking a look at them.
It's been a soggy, gray week here in Brooklyn, but all those clouds mean that it's been a fantastic time stay in and to play video games.
Waypoint managing editor Danielle Riendeau has been boxing her way up the rankings in Punch Club, Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker's has dug into the difficult police work of Swat 4, and Patrick Klepek—well, Patrick is playing the best game of them all: vacation. In his stead is Waypoint Radio's producer, Tim Barnes, who hasn't played a game since Jedi Power Battles on the Dreamcast. Can you blame him for putting the controller down?
Hey everyone.
Editor-in-chief Austin Walker, here. Just wanted to share with you an editorial I wrote in the wake of last night's US general election. This isn't a full episode, but I'd appreciate a listen, regardless. Looking forward to talking to y'all as part of our normal schedule on Friday.
It's Monday, which means that VICE Gaming's Patrick Klepek and Austin Walker are back in the bunker and ready to talk about video games. While Austin dives headfirst into the (unfortunately shaky) virtual worlds of PlayStation VR, Patrick finds himself trapped in the violent void of Thumper, where driving rhythm and cosmic horror collide. Their only means of escape is a reader question: How should developers tackle race and identity in games?
Games discussed: Batman Arkham VR, Job Simulator, Wayward Sky, Thumper, Mafia III, Watch Dogs
We promised another episode of VICE Gaming’s still-untitled new gaming podcast, and here it is! As the weekend approaches, we spent an hour discussing Austin Walker’s interview with the senior writer on Mafia III about race, reports that No Man’s Sky has been reported to a European advertising authority for misleading marketing, and introduce The Question Bucket.
Interaction with you is a big part of this new podcast, so make sure to send any questions you have for us to gaming@vice.com with the header “Questions.” (Without the quotes!) We can’t guarantee we’ll answer all of your questions, but rest assured, we’ll be taking a look at them.
See you on Monday!
Welcome to the newest podcast by VICE Gaming, co-hosted by Austin Walker and Patrick Klepek!
The plan is to record on Monday and Friday mornings, so we can track and discuss the full week of gaming, without worry that we’re going to miss a major story. We’d love to stream each episode, allowing people to tune in and submit questions, but we’re still working out the tech to make that happen. Stay tuned! Podcast gods willing, that could happen this Friday.
What we don’t have is reader questions, but you can solve that right now. Each episode, we’ll choose one excellent, insightful question to be the focus of an episode-ending segment. You can submit potential topics to gaming@vice.com with the email header “Questions.”
But wait, doesn’t VICE Gaming already have a podcast? That’s true! Our UK editor, Mike Diver, has been hosting a monthly podcast for a while, but as VICE Gaming grows, so will our library of podcasts. Mike’s podcast isn’t going anywhere—there’s just more for everyone.
VICE Gaming isn’t just a place to write about games. It should be a community for smart, thoughtful people to gather and think critically about the medium. This podcast should be an extension of that. We may be the hosts, but you’re the reason it works. Join us?