
Waypoint Radio

What's good, Internet? Join Waypoint's Austin Walker and Patrick Klepek twice a week, as they break down the biggest stories in video games and unfairly compare everything to Dark Souls.
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Feb 27, 2017

We're just days away from Nintendo launching their new console, but the rest of video games haven't gotten out of the way; instead, we're still drowning.

Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker is back, as is Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau and Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek. We kick things off with Get Out, the breakout horror debut from Jordan Peele—yes, of Key and Peele. There aren't any spoilers; it's a discussion about tone. Elsewhere, we all spent a few hours with Night in the Woods, a trip to America's rust belt by way of cat people. With the time left, we tapped The Question Bucket.

Feb 24, 2017

A week from now, Nintendo will not only launch a new console, but a brand-new Zelda game, one that’s promised big changes for a franchise that’s been looking for new directions.

Though Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker is technically still on vacation, he’s returned to taunt Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek with a copy of Breath of the Wild, and impressions of his hours with the game—at least, as much as Nintendo’s strict embargo will let him. We also dive deeper into our impressions of Horizon: Zero Dawn, another ambitious open world game that’s finally arriving next week.

Feb 20, 2017

Even though we're taking the day off, that can't stop the podcast, especially since we're finally allowed to talk about our time with Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker is still on vacation, but Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek is holding down the fort with Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau and Group Publisher Joel Fowler. (Group Publisher means he helps manage the site and deal with boring stuff like money.) Besides discussing Horizon: Zero Dawn, we celebrate Joel finally beating Dark Souls 3, and dip into The Question Bucket.

Feb 17, 2017

Since many of the games we're playing right now can't be talked about until embargoes lift, we had to look for different topics of conversation.

With Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker on vacation (if you're reading this, Austin, that's not what people do on vacation), Social Editor Danika "Definitely Knows How to Write a Poem" Harrod joined Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek and Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau to discuss recent events with YouTube personality PewDiePie, why I'm interviewing folks who made sexual mods for Stardew Valley, and the games we've been playing. Like I said, we're all over the place on this episode. Hold tight.

Feb 14, 2017

Not every video game comes together the way you'd want, and the best of intentions can end up being exactly that: intentions. That feeling drove a lot of conversation today on the podcast.

Over the weekend, Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker and Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek spent time with We Are Chicago, a narrative-driven game hoping to illustrate the racial and socioeconomic struggles of African-Americans living in the South Side of Chicago, an area tragically known for its violence and crime. It, uh, doesn't really work, to say the least. Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau joined us for that, alongside new thoughts on what defines a Souls-like, and more from The Question Bucket.

Feb 11, 2017

If you get Senior Reporter Patrick Kelpek and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker in a room, Souls talk is gonna happen. We might end up fighting over the merits of Dark Souls 2 longer than one should, but that's the way it is.

All this Souls talk was spurred by Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau discussing her time with Nioh, which prompted a much longer breakdown and analysis of the core DNA behind a Souls game, and whether we can come up with a collective definition for the genre. We also dip into The Question Bucket, and Austin reveals the three-part young adult novel series that he's been working on.

Feb 6, 2017

The Super Bowl was this weekend, and while a just universe would have allowed a team other than the New England Patriots to win for once, 2017 has shown that world is not ours. Congrats, Patriots fans. You won another one. 

Back in the world of podcasts, Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau was battling sickness this morning, so Social Editor Danika Harrod joined Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker to give an update on the search for Donnel in Fire Emblem: Heroes, react to the beta for Ghost Recon Wildlands, discuss how Nioh seems to be separating itself from Dark Souls, and dip into The Question Bucket.

Feb 3, 2017

We made it through January, y’all. That might seem like much, but we’ve gotta start somewhere. Fortunately, your reward is an avalanche of new games to play.

Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker returns  to the podcast, after playing several hours of ​​Horizon: Zero Dawn earlier this week. We talked about entering the land of robot dinosaurs with Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek and Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau, before breaking down initial impressions of the Dark Souls-inspired Nioh, breaking down our (read: Austin's) Fire Emblem: Heroes gambling habits. And no episode of Waypoint Radio would be complete without a thorough trip to The Question Bucket.

Jan 30, 2017

After a politically tumultuous weekend, one must find solace elsewhere. You know, like talking about how Senior Reporter Patrick Klepek was able to help a dominatrix find the will to punish her clients in Yakuza 0. And that's not even the weirdest thing...

Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker is not with us today—he should be back on Friday—but we didn't skip a beat; we found a great replacement to join Patrick and Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau: game critic and Overwatch fanatic Nico Deyo. (She wrote some fan fiction for us over the holidays!) Besides discussing my #1 dad coffee cup and early hours with Yakuza 0, we have Nico walk us through the latest developments in Overwatch fandom, and dip into The Question Bucket.

Jan 27, 2017

It's been a soggy, gray week here in Brooklyn, but all those clouds mean that it's been a fantastic time stay in and to play video games. 

Waypoint managing editor Danielle Riendeau has been boxing her way up the rankings in Punch Club​, Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker's has dug into the difficult police work of ​Swat 4​, and Patrick Klepek—well, Patrick is playing the best game of them all: vacation. In his stead is Waypoint Radio's producer, Tim Barnes, who hasn't played a game since Jedi Power Battles ​on the Dreamcast​. Can you blame him for putting the controller down?


Jan 23, 2017

If real-life news is bumming you out, it's a good time to be a video game fan; what's usually a slow period has quickly turned into an avalanche of great releases.

After spending the last week diving into Resident Evil 7 in VR, senior reporter Patrick Klepek hopped on the microphones with Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker and Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau to discuss Capcom's successful return to survival horror's roots. Later, we examined the surprising ways Gravity Rush 2 uses class to tell an interesting story in a world of floating cities. Sadly, there wasn't time The Question Bucket today, but don't worry, we'll strap on our gloves later this week.

Jan 20, 2017

Today, Donald Trump was sworn in as President. For the time being, at least, this is the new reality. Because of that, it felt fitting to podcast about politics again.

On Monday's podcast, we couldn't get through the swampy bucket of questions people had submitted, so we're getting dirty again. After watching Trump take the oath, Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker, Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau, and myself decided to strap on some microphones to dive back in. And though Trump is on our minds, our hourlong discussion is not merely about our new President, it's about how today's new political realities will change the culture of games.

Jan 16, 2017

This is not where many of us expected to be in early 2017, but here we are. In just a few days, a man who openly questioned the legitimacy of our nation’s first black President, Donald Trump, will take the oath of office. As you can imagine, this has weighed on us at Waypoint.

Rather than keep those thoughts and anxieties private, we decided to open up. Last week, we asked you so submit questions for the podcast, questions that examined our relationship with politics. This doesn’t just mean our reaction to Trump, but how our politics influences the way we play, cover, and discuss games, the kind of media we consume—we cover a lot of bases.

Jan 14, 2017

The slow start to 2017 is coming an end, with Nintendo unveiling price, release date, and other super important details for its new home console, Switch. You can catch up on everything over here. Plus, Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker had a chance to go hands-on with the machine!

On the podcast, we talk through our reactions to everything Nintendo's announced, and I try to hold back my jealousy that other people have played Switch. I'll just have to watch that Super Mario Odyssey footage again and puzzle over New Donk City. Plus, we take a dip into The Question Bucket.

Jan 11, 2017

With its clever narrative framing device, a collection of fantastic acting performances, and a deeply expressive combat model, Hanger 13's Mafia 3 wound up being one of the biggest surprises of 2016. At least that's what I, Waypoint Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker, and Fullbright co-founder Steve Gaynor believe.

Since we we hadn't yet had our fill of talking about the game, we decided to record a little bonus podcast where we could talk to our heart's content about the game. And uh, spoiler warning, because we go all in on this one.

We chat about everything from the game's dynamic gunfights and cinematic car chases to its handling of race and history. We talk about the continuity of open world games that Mafia 3 exists in—yes, including Far Cry 2. We consider the impact the game will have on future designers—including on Gaynor, himself. We even dig into the secret post-credits ending, and talk about what implications about the future of the series that stinger holds. 

Jan 9, 2017

Yes, yes, it’s Monday, but hey—podcast! Unfortunately, Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau is sick, which means it’s just me and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker holding down the podcast fort.

We check in with Austin about how he’s 35 hours into The Witcher 3 but not anywhere near the end, discuss how CD Projekt RED does world building in subtle ways, tease our upcoming impressions of Gravity Rush 2, dig into the surprising approach to developing Frog Fractions 2, and dig back into The Question Bucket to mull the way we make arguments on the Internet.

Jan 7, 2017

It's official: Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker have until the release of Cyberpunk 2077 to finish The Witcher 3. That still may not be enough time. Yep, we're still talking about a game from 2015! (One that I managed to finish that year, mind you.) But that's just how Waypoint rolls.

As we stretch our legs into 2017, I talk about my time with Let It Die, Danielle gives us the low down on "real" wrestling, we all mull how to tackle finishing lengthy games like The Witcher 3, and we dip into The Question Bucket to discuss when it's okay to stop playing games you aren't enjoying.

Jan 2, 2017

Happy New Year, from your friends at Waypoint Radio! Today, Waypoint Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker and Social Editor Danika Harrod join me in a discussion of games that just barely slipped our top ten lists this year, along with Danika's top picks of 2016.

We all have strong opinions about The Last Guardian, games that hit us right there, and the value of fanfiction, with a nice dip into the question bucket for our first taste of reader mail in 2017.


Dec 30, 2016

It's time to say goodbye to 2016, and to do that,  Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau, Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker, Senior Editor Mike Diver, and myself grabbed our microphones to talk about the past year in games. Turns out there were a lot of good ones released in 2016!

This isn't a traditional game of the year podcast. Waypoint, as a site, isn't coming up with an overall top 10 list. Instead, each writer has their own list of games, better reflecting the different stuff we all played this year. On the podcast, we run through some of the awards we came up with, and use that as a vehicle to talk about most of the games that made a personal impact.

Dec 26, 2016

When you're reading this, I'll hopefully be slumped over on the couch, a holiday drink in hand, doing something productive, like trying to beat Area X in Rez. That's because we're technically off this week, but since we love you, we recorded two podcasts before departing for break.

Today's podcast features Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau, Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker, and myself doing what needs to be done: cleaning up The Question Bucket. It's sloppy in there, you know? We don't usually get a chance to answer more than a question or two during a regular podcast, but that's over.

Dec 23, 2016

The year is almost over, folks. And while the crew at Waypoint is scrambling to finish up all of their work, especially for our upcoming game of the year features, we managed to podcast.

Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau returned for this episode, who once again joins me and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker. Beyond giving an update on my ongoing frozen outlet crisis, Austin talks about his hours with Dragon Quest Builders, I explain what a USPS shipment page has to do with the reveal of Frog Fractions 2, we discuss Blizzard’s reveal that Tracer is canonically gay in Overwatch, and we get surprisingly serious during The Question Bucket.

Dec 19, 2016

It’s our last week in the office—or in my case, a room in my house with a desk—which means it’s time to start figuring out what our favorite games of the year are. That involves using every spare minute to spend time with games we loved and games we might have missed out on.

Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau isn’t with us for this episode, so it’s back to basics with Waypoint Radio: me and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker. We try and figure out what happened in Final Fantasy XV, whether Austin needs to finish The Last Guardian, what it would even mean to bring back Duke Nukem in 2016, and get down ‘n dirty with The Question Bucket.

Dec 16, 2016

As chilly temperatures descend on much of the United States, it's a good time to sit inside and just listen to a podcast. Thankfully, we've got what you need. We've got that podcast for you.

Though Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau has left us for a brief vacation, social editor Danika Harrad joins me and Editor-in-Chief Austin Walker to, yes, talk about Avatar: The Mobile Game, our first impressions of Super Mario Run, the release of Nintendo Switch patents, and dip into The Question Bucket.

Dec 12, 2016

Is it possible that we're finally getting a week without the release of a major game? Though some on staff might argue the release of Nitroplus Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel has been the reason to slog through the rest of 2016, most of us can probably take a breather here.

To kick off the week, Editor-In-Chief Austin Walker, myself, and Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau huddled around the warmth of microphones to discuss my closing hours with Final Fantasy XV, gaming franchises that we've always wanted to play but have somehow missed, and a series of excellent queries from the depths of from our true friend, The Question Bucket.

Dec 9, 2016

Look, take a breath. It's Friday. I know, it took a long time for Friday to arrive, and it'd be nice if Friday just gave you a heads up that it was going to be late, but look: Friday's here, and Friday means it's time for another episode of Waypoint Radio, too. See? Everything's great, everything's fine.

As always, Editor-In-Chief Austin Walker, myself, and Managing Editor Danielle Riendeau got together to discuss the week's news (Danielle got to interview Shigeru Miyamoto!), what we've been playing (Final Fantasy XV! Super Mario Run!), and take a dip into The Question Bucket.


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